Archimedes: Eureka! Walkthrough, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides

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General Tips:
- You can see the goals of the current level on top right corner.
- Build nut need 25 foods and 25 woods. The hut will give you 100 golds every turn. You should collect gold as soon as possible, otherwise it will be disappeared.
- Chop one tree will give you 25 woods.
- You can hire extra workers from the base.
- All resources will disappeared if you does not collect them as soon as possible.
- You can get foods by collecting fruits.
Exchange Rate:
- 400 golds can buy 50 woods in sawmill.
- 400 golds can buy 50 foods in market.
- gold mine with 1 worker can give 250 golds every turn.
Episode I:
Level 1.1: Build hut on empty spot, collect 600 gold from hut, then pass this level.
Level 1.2: Chop the tree and build more hut on empty spot, collect enough golds.
Level 1.3: Hire another worker and break up the rock, then build market, break up other rocks, chop the tree to get woods, buy food from market and build huts, collect the golds.
Level 1.4: Repair the bridge and chop down the trees to get enough woods, repair the bridge located in the right and chop more trees, collect the golds at the same time. Build a sawmill to buy more woods and repair other bridge. Buy more foods and hire more workers.
Level 1.5: Collect foods from fruit tree and chop trees to get woods, then build more huts. Build one sawmill on empty spot and collect enough woods, then repair the bridge and collect foods. Build on market to buy enough foods, then demolish the market and build huts and upgrade them.
Level 1.6: Collect foods and golds, then build one cottage, collect more golds and buy more woods, then build another cottage. Build a market which can give you enough food, collect food, wood and gold, then build other cottages. You need demolish the huts before you build cottage.
Level 1.7: Demolish one sawmill and collect food, then repair the bridge to the empty spot. Buy woods from sawmill and repair the cottages. Buy more woods and repair other bridges. Build 5 cottages and upgrade them, you should buy more woods from sawmill. Build one market and buy enough foods.
Level 1.8: Break up the rocks, send 1 worker to gold mine. Demolish old huts and build market, sawmill. repair the bridge and chop the trees. buy enough food and wood, then build other cattages. Collect enough foods and woods, then demolish the sawmill and market, build cottage and upgrade them.
Level 1.9: Demolish old market and send 1 worker to gold mine. Buy foods from market and unlock the path. Demolish more market and build a sawmill, collect enough woods and repair the bridge. Buy enough foods from market and demolish the market, build a cottage.
Level 1.10: Collect foods and break up rocks. Build a market and buy enough foods, give foods to cyclops to unlock the cottages located in the left side. Unlock other path and send 1 worker to secret device. Use 100 foods to exchange the archimedes. See below screenshots. Build sawmills and buy enough woods.
Episode II:
Level 2.1: Break up rocks and chop trees to get woods. Repair the huts and build one market, buy foods from market and upgrade huts, you need foods to improve the huts. Buy foods and hire more workers, then demolish the market and build the fifth hut and improve it.
Level 2.2: Break up rock and collect the woods. Repair all 4 huts and chop trees, upgrade and improve the huts. Collect enough golds and buy enough foods and woods. Demolish the market and build huts, improve the last 2 huts.
Level 2.3: Repair the cottages and buy enough woods from sawmill, then repair the bridges. Collect foods from the fruit tree and build a market, then you can buy enough foods. Improve the cottages and build more cottages. Demolish those 2 sawmills and build 2 cottages and improve them. Buy enough foods to pass this level.
Level 2.4: Repair the bridge and repair the cottage located in the right side. Break up the rock and send 1 worker to lumber camp. You can also buy woods from sawmill. Build one market so you can buy enough foods to improve your house. Collect enough foods and woods, then demolish the market and sawmill, build cottages and improve them.
Level 2.5: Chop the trees located in the path and repair the cottage. Upgrade and improve your cottage, buy foods from the market. Hire more worker and chop the tree, rocks. Build other cottages and buy more foods, then give these foods to cyclops. Build more cottages and upgrade them. Build one sawmill, so you can buy more woods. Demolish the market and sawmill, then build cottages and improve them.
Level 2.6: Clear the path and repair the huts, collect the gold, buy foods and hire more worker, break up other rocks. Build one sawmill and one cottage, collect more golds. Demolish sawmill and market, build more cottages and upgrade, improve them. Collect enough golds.
Level 2.7: Collect wood and gold, repair the bridge and buy foods from market, then hire more workers. Clear the path and build more cottages and upgrade, improve them. Demoish the sawmill and build more cottages and improve them.
Level 2.8: Demolish one market and build one sawmill, buy enough woods and repair the bridges. Build cottages and buy enough resources, then hire more workers and clear the path. Continue collect the resources and build more cottages. Collect golds and pay Golems, then unlock all path and build other cottages.
Level 2.9: Chop the trees and rocks located in the middle of the road. Build cottages and collect golds. Demolish other market and sawmill, build cottages at their place. Click the red button, buy enough woods and foods, then demolish all market and sawmill, build cottages and improve them.
Level 2.10: Hire 1 worker and collect foods from fruit tree. Demolish the old huts and build cottages, build 1 market and buy foods. Hire more workers and upgrade your cottages. Break up rocks and buy woods from sawmill. Collect golds, foods, woods and build more cottages, demolish the sawmill and build your last cottage and upgrade it.
Level 2.11: Send 1 worker to water pump, Collect golds and foods, then demolish some huts and build cottages. Build 1 sawmill and buy enough woods, then clear the road and build a market to buy enough foods. Hire more workers and repair other cottages.
Level 2.12: First, build more cottages and upgrade them, then collect and buy enough resources, pay Golem and unblock the road. Repair the Obelisk of Earnings, Hire more workers and send 1 worker to Water Pump. Pay 6000 golds to unlock the road and open the tree chests.
Level 2.13: Chop the tree and repair the bridge leading to the trees, so you can chop more trees and get enough woods. Chop more trees and get at least 300 woods, repair the bridge and get more golds from gold mine. Build 1 market and buy 100 foods, pay 200 foods to Cyclop and release 1 worker, break up the tree roadblock anc collect golds, foods. Send 1 worker to Lumber Camp and collect enough woods. Buy foods and pay 500 foods to Cyclop. Collect golds and demolish the market, build sawmill on the same place and buy woods, then repair the bridge and release other workers.
Level 2.14: Break up rocks and upgrade two cottages, demolish one cottage and build one market, buy enough foods and woods. Upgrade and improve more cottages and clear the ghost. Collect enough foods and woods, then demolish market, sawmill and cottages, build huts and upgrade them.
Level 2.15: Clear the road and repair the hut, collect foods and improve the hut, then collect golds and build one sawmill, buy woods and repair the cottages, upgrade, improve them. Collect golds, buy foods and woods, demolish one sawmill and build enough cottages and upgrade them. Send 1 worker to water pump. Collect 10000 golds and pay Archimedes.
Archimedes: Eureka! Walkthrough, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides: click to start Archimedes: Eureka! Walkthrough, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides Download.
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