Gnomes Garden: Lost King Walkthrough, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides

General Tips:
- The farm can generate foods every turn.
- Sawmill can generate the woods.
- Upgrade worker tent can give you more workers.
- Every level has a hidden magic animal, find them to help you finish the level.
- Quarry can generate stones every turn.
- You can cancel a order by click it again.
- Send donkeys to mill or sawmill will speed up production.
- Shepherd can repair pigeon house.
- Shepherd can clear away the thorns too.
- Sorceress can help us fight against the giant troll.
- Fix bee's hive to clear the road locked by bees.
Detailed Levels:
Level 1: This is the first level, just follow the tutorial, then you will finish this level.
Level 2: Collect foods and repair the bridge then repair the sawmill.
Level 3: Collect foods from farm and chop timber in road, then build one sawmill, fill the holes and repair another sawmill, then repair the fish net.
Level 4: Collect foods and woods, then upgrade your worker tent, clear the road and build a quarry. Collect stones and repair the road, then restore the farm.
Level 5: Clear the road and collect foods from the farm, then upgrade your worker tent, collect stones and woods by clear the road, build a sawmill, repair another sawmill and repair the bridge, repair the fish net.
Level 6: Break up the rock, then send donkey to the mill to speed up the food production. Upgrade your worker tent and send donkey to sawmill. Repair the road and collect resources, then repair the 2 fish nets.
Level 7: Clear the road, collect foods, woods and stones, then repair the mill. Build a sawmill and repair the bridge, send donkey to mill and continue clear the road, build a quarry and collect stones, send donkey to quarry, then build shepherd camp and clear the thorns. Repair the pigeon house and send the news.
Level 8: Collect foods from the farm and upgrade worker tent, break up the rocks, clear the road. Build the sawmill, upgrade mill and build the shepherd house, then clear the thorns, repair the bridge, collect stones, upgrade the sawmill, then build sorceress house and fight against the giant troll. This level you have not enough stones to repair the road and build a quarry.
Level 9: Collect resources and clear the road, then unlock the mill and sawmill, repair the donkey house, send donkey to sawmill and collect woods, then repair the road, build a quarry and send donkey to quarry, then collect stones to repair the road. Repair the bee's hive, repair the road and build sorceress house, then fight against the trolls.
Level 10: Collect food from farm and clear the road, then repair the mill. Clear the road leading to the sawmill, then build the sawmill, repair the bee's hive, repair the quarry and upgrade it, upgrade mill and clear the other roads. Build the shepherd house and clear the thorns, then repair the pigeon house.
Level 11: Collect the resources and clear the road, then unlock the mill and upgrade tent and mill. clear the road and build the quarry and upgrade it, then repair the bridges and build sorceress house, fight against the trolls. Build a laboratory.
Level 12: Collect resources and clear the road, repair the mill and sawmil. Send donkey to sawmill and repair the farm, then clear the road and collect the potions. Repair the cableway and go to another island, then build a quarry to collect stones, repair the shepherd house and bee's hive, clear the thorns and repair the fish net.
Level 15: You should first to clear the road leading to the farm and mill, otherwise you won't have enough foods to clear the road and must replay this level. Then you should clear the road leading to the sawmill and market. Otherwise you won't have enough stones to repair the road and bridge.
Level 17: In this level, you should repair the quarry before you build shepherd camp when you have some stones.
Level 18: In this level there are two leaf in road, you should click them and enlarge them to a bridge, see below screenshots:
Level 19: Do not upgrade the Sorceress house, otherwise you will lost your potions to repair the fountain.
Level 20: Do not waste your woods before you repair the wooden bridge, after you repaired the wooden bridge, you can buy woods from Bazaar.
Level 23: You should first chop a log and 2 stones, then repair the road and collect foods and woods, go to the mill and repair the mill and sawmill. See my screenshots below:
Level 25: This level you should first build the shepherd house after you have repaired the mill and quarry, this can help you fight against the dog thief.
Level 26: Collect foods and other resources, then repair the well, build the shepherd's camp, then you should repair the farm to get foods.
Level 27: Clear the road, then build farm, quarry and buy woods from the market. This level you need more foods, only one farm, you have to wait some time. So, you should repair the market located in the top as soon as possible, then you can buy foods with stone.
Level 28: First to repair the well and collect foods from farm.
Level 30: First to repair the mill and the altar which can give you food and stone, then repair sorceress house and laboratory, then repair the portal and you can buy woods from the bazaar.
Level 31: repair the 2 mills and build the portal and buy woods from the bazaar, then repair the quarry, do not repair the stone bridge before you repair the quarry.
Level 33: First clear the road leading to the altar which can give us food, stone and wood, then finish other tasks. You have not enough potions to repair the portal, so you should first repair the other altar than can give us the potions.
Level 34: First repair the mill, then repair the quarry, then repair the green altar which can give us food and wood. repair the shepherd's house and repair the farm. repair the sawmill and other altars.
Level 36: Find the buildings location and find the farm's position, collect resources and plan to repair all buildings.
Level 38: repair the farm and sawmill, then clear the road and buy stone from the razaar. See below pictures:
Level 42: In this level, do not upgrade any buildings, otherwise you won't have enough stones to repair the fountains.
Level 46: In this level, you should first to repair the mill, so you can get enough foods. Then, you should repair the quarry and shepherd's house, sawmill.
Level 49: Collect resources from the altar, then repair the wooden bridge and repair the farm and sawmill, then repair the quarry located in the top right corner. Collect resources and finished other tasks. See below pictures:
Level 50: Collect resources from altar and build mill, quarry, sawmill and other buildings.
Level 51: First to clear the road leading to the left farm, then repair the mill located in the top left corner and quarry. Then clear the road leading to the right top sawmills and colllect woods.
Level 59: Collect resources and clear the roads, then build all buildings to finish the tasks, this is the last level, has some difficult.
Congratulations, you have finished the game Gnomes Garden: Lost King.
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