Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part 2

Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part List:
- Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part 1
- Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part 2
- Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part 3
- Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part 4
- Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part 5
- Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part 6
Level 9: Gather the necessary resources to upgrade the town hall, Build the market (A), Build the bard tent (C), Build the quarry (B), Repair the ladder (1), Clear the way to the bakery (D) and use it constantly to collect food, Upgrade the quarry (B), Clear the way to the hunter's hut (2), Remove the tentacle (4), Remove the tentacle (2), Build the hunter's hut (2), Remove the tentacle (3), Build the hunter's hut (3), Collect 30 units of gold, Repair the remaining pits, It is wise to use the market to always have enough wood for the bakery, Collect resources to upgrade the town hall to the third level and achieve a third worker.
Level 10: Gather the necessary resources and upgrade the town hall, Build the quarry (A), Build the fisherman's hut (B), Upgrade the quarry (A), Repair the bridge (1), Clear the way to the second bridge (2) and repair it, Build the goldmine (C), Build the bard tent (D), Clear the way to the tree of life (E) and build it, Grow up the beanstalk on the way to the sawmill (G), Upgrade the sawmill (G), Build the goldmine (F), Gather the necessary resources and upgrade the town hall to the third level, Repair the bridge (3), Gather enough food and feed the gorgon (4), Clear the way to the goldmine (H) and build it, Continue to collect gold and ignite totems to complete the episode.
Level 11: Gather available resources, Upgrade town hall, Repair the bridge (1), Build the sawmill (A), Clear the road to the hut (B) and build it, Build the fisherman's hut (C), Upgrade the sawmill (A), Begin to, mine gold from the gold veins, Collect enough wood and repair the bridge (2), Build the tree of life (D), Remove obstacles on the way to the goldmine (E) and build it, Repair the bridge (3), Build the bard tent (F), Upgrade the town hall one more time, Repair the bridge (4), Clear the way to the stonehenge (G), Use the stonehenge (G) to get stone, Clear the way to the rune book (5), Collect 25 stones, Take the rune book (5).
Level 12: Clear the way to the quarry (A) and build it, Build the fisherman's hut (B), Build the bard tent (C), Collect the resources, clear the boulders and repair the bridge (1), Repair the road to the farm (D) and build it, Remove the boulder (2), Upgrade the farm (D), Repair the bridge (3), Clear the way to the market (E), Upgrade the town hall, Build the market (E), Upgrade the quarry (A), Repair the bridge (4), Clear and repair the way to the barracks (F), Feed the gorgon (5), Build the barracks (F), Begin to clear bombs, Repair the bridge (6), Remove the remaining boulders and repair the road, Clear remaining bombs.
Level 13: Clear boulders and gather available resources, Repair the bridge (1), Clear the way to the second worker, Build the quarry (A), Build the farm (B), Clear the road and collect resources, Upgrade the farm (B), Upgrade the quarry (A), Repair the road to the sawmill (C) and build it, Start mining gold from the gold veins, Build the tree of life (D), Build the barracks (E), Feed the gorgon (2), Build the hunter's hut (E), Build the hunter's hut (F), Free the next worker, Get to the hunter's hut (G) and build it, Repair the bridge (3), Remove the obstacle with a spider (4) and release the fifth worker, Upgrade the barracks (E), Repair the bridge (5), Get to the bridge (6) and repair it, Take the rune book (7).
Level 14:Collect resources to upgrade the town hall, Build the sawmill (B), Whenever possible, use the bard (D), Build the farm (A), Upgrade the sawmill (B), Feed the gorgon (1), Get stone by removing boulders, Build the windmill (C) to have food without taking it, Upgrade the town hall, Upgrade the farm (A), Get to the bakery (E) and use it constantly, to get enough food, Repair the road to the hut (F) and build it, Start to clear the road to the second windmill (H), Build the windmill (H), Repair the road to the goldmine (G), Upgrade the goldmine (G), Remove the remaining boulders, Collect 10 gold and remove the largest boulder (2).
Level 15: Gather available resources, Build the quarry (A), Repair the bridge (1), Upgrade the quarry (A), Upgrade the sawmill (B), Repair the bridge (2), Upgrade the town hall, Gather resources behind the bridge (2), Repair the bridge (3), Build the goldmine (D), Reasonably use the market (C) to get food, Upgrade the quarry (A), Build the tree of life (E), Repair the bridge (4), Upgrade the goldmine (D), Build the hut (F), Repair the bridge (5), Repair the statues in any order.
Level 16: Gather available resources, Build the sawmill (B), Build and upgrade the sawmill (A), Upgrade the town hall, Build the sawmill (C), Upgrade the sawmill (B), Repair the bridge (1), Build the farm (D), Upgrade the sawmill (C), Build and upgrade the sawmill (E), Upgrade the farm (D), Repair the bridge (2), Build the bard tent (F), Build the hut (G), Build and upgrade the sawmill (H), Feed the gorgon (4), Build and upgrade the sawmill (J), Repair the bridge (3), Build and upgrade the sawmill (K), Upgrade the town hall to the third level, Repair the bridge (5), Feed the gorgon (6), Build and upgrade the sawmill (L), Collect 100 Woods.
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