Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part 3

Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part List:
- Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part 1
- Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part 2
- Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part 3
- Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part 4
- Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part 5
- Beyond the Kingdom Walkthrough Part 6
Level 17: Gather available resources, Clear the road to the farms (A) and (B), Build and upgrade the farm (A), Build and upgrade the farm (B), Clear the road leading to the key (1) and take it to open the portal on the other side of the island, Build the hut (C), Build the aboriginal hut (2), Clear the way to the sawmill (E). Build and upgrade it, Build the bard tent (D), Clear the way to the warehouse (F), Upgrade the town hall, Build the warehouse (F), Build the tree of life (G), Build the aboriginal hut (3), Build the hut (J), Upgrade the sawmill (H) to the third level, Upgrade the sawmill (E) to the third level, Build the aboriginal hut (7), (5), (8), (6), (4), Get the rune book (9).
Level 18: Gather available resources, Use the market (A) to get food, Upgrade the town hall, Clear the obstacles to get to the bushes, Build the bard tent (B), Upgrade the town hall to the third level, Upgrade the goldmine (1), Clear the way to the quarry (C) and build it, Upgrade the quarry (C), Clear the way to the hut (D), Upgrade the quarry (C) to the third level, Build the hut (D), Upgrade the goldmine (3), Use the market (E) to get wood, Remove the gorgon, which blocks the way to the goldmine (4), Upgrade the goldmine (2), Remove the second gorgon and collect the stone behind him., Repair the bridge, Build the storehouse (F), Upgrade the goldmine (1), (3), (2), (4), Clear the way to the goldmine (5) and upgrade it, Repair the way to the dock (G) and fix it, Collect 200 gold.
Level 19: Gather all available resources, Build the farm (A), Get to the sawmill (B) and upgrade it, Build the barracks (C), Build the hunter's hut (E), Upgrade the farm (A), Clear the way to the hunter's hut (G) and build it, Deal with the pirate (1) to destroy the huge rock, Upgrade the quarry (K), Clear the way to the workshop (D) and build it, Upgrade the town hall, Clear the bomb (2), As often as possible, use the workshop (D) to get enough wood, Upgrade the hunter's hut (E), Upgrade the sawmill (B) to the third level, Upgrade the hunter's hut (F), Remove the bomb (3), Upgrade the hunter's hut (G), Upgrade the barracks (C), Clear the bomb (4), Feed the gorgon (5), Clear the way to the bridge (6), Upgrade the hunter's hut (H), Repair the bridge (5), Remove the remaining bombs.
Level 20: Build the sawmill (A), Build the bard tent (B), Clear the way to the farm (D), Upgrade the farm (D), Upgrade the quarry (C), Upgrade the sawmill (A), Clear the way to the cart with stones (1), Clear the way to the nest with eggs (2), Upgrade the town hall, Upgrade the quarry (C), Upgrade the sawmill (A), Repair the bridge (3), Repair the road to the storehouse (E) and build it, Begin collecting gold from gold veins (4), (5) and (6), Upgrade the farm (D), Exchange excess stone for food in the market (F), Build the tree of life (K), Continue to mine gold and get to the rune book (7).
Level 21: Upgrade the town hall, Gather available resources, Repair the bridge (1), Calculate the obstacles behind the bridge, Repair the bridge (2), Build the farm (A), Get to the market (B) and use it to get wood, Upgrade the farm (A), Repair the bridge (3), Build and upgrade the sawmill (C), Repair the bridge (4), Repair the bridge (5), Build and upgrade the farm (G), Repair the bridge (6) to gain access to the gold, Upgrade the quarry (D), Repair the bridge (7), Build the bard tent (F), Use the services of a wage worker (E), Upgrade the sawmill (C), Repair the bridge (8), Upgrade the farm (G), Upgrade the farm (A), Remove the large boulder (9), Upgrade the quarry (D), Repair the bridge (10), Repair the bridge (11), Upgrade the farm (H), Repair the road to the farm (J) and upgrade it twice., Repair the road to the farm (K) and build it, Upgrade the farm (K) twice, Collect 100 food items.
Level 22: Clear way to the market (A) and exchange food for wood, Build the tavern (B) to get a temporary worker, Build the hunter's hut (C), Remove the boulder (1), Build the barracks (D), Get to the hunter's hut (E) and build it, Get to the hunter's hut (F) and build it, Get to the hut (H), Build the hunter's hut (G), Build the market (J), Upgrade the barracks (D), Remove the boulder (2), Upgrade the hunter's hut (F), Upgrade the hunter's hut (E), Upgrade the hunter's hut (C), Remove the boulder (3), Upgrade the hunter's hut (G), Build the tower (4), Remove the boulder (5), Build the tower (6), Build the tower (7), Remove the huge boulder (8).
Level 23: Build the quarry (A), Upgrade the town hall, Gather available resources, Repair the bridge (1), Build the bard tent (B), Upgrade the quarry (A), Repair the bridge (2), Clear the way to the farm (F), Build the storehouse (D), Build the farm (E), Upgrade the sawmill (C), Upgrade the farm (F), Upgrade the town hall, Repair the bridge (3), Cut the purple crystal (4), Upgrade the farm (E), Repair the bridge (5), Upgrade the quarry (A), Repair the bridge (6) and take the green key (7), Upgrade the sawmill (C), Repair the bridge (8), Build the hut (G), Feed the gorgon and upgrade the goldmine (H), Repair the bridge (9), Build the barracks (J), Upgrade the goldmine (H), Upgrade the farm (F), Begin to remove bombs, Upgrade the barracks (J), Collect enough gold to clear the remaining bombs.
Level 24: Clear obstacles to the worker (1), Clear the way to the storehouse (A) and build it, Clear the way to the farm (B) and upgrade it, Clear the way to the market (C), Build the tree of life (D), Change the excess wood for gold in the market (C), Grow the bean tree (2), Grow the bean tree (3), Collect and exchange resources to clear the way to the rune book (4), Take the rune book (4).
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