Spirit Legends: The Forest Wraith Collector's Edition Free Download

Spirit Legends: The Forest Wraith Collector's Edition Free Download:
Humans have plagued this planet, but I am the cure! I'll wipe them all off the face of the Earth! Gratien! Adele! You two save the residents! I'll deal with Florena. It's all over, Florena! I've found a way to defeat you once and for all!
My Dearest Daughter, I'm in Rouen flighting the rest of Florena's forest monster. Unfortunately, I've seriously injured. I'm not sure how much time I have left. Please, visit as soon as you can. Love, Adam.
Hello, I am Gratien. Your family and I once fought side-by-side to defeat Florena and her monsters. Adam came from Sratville to help me finish off the rest of her monsters. Unfortunately, he was killed. He was a courageous man who saved hundreds of lives. He'll remain forever in our hearts and memories.
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