Argonauts Agency: Golden Fleece Walkthrough

General Tips:
- This game includes 3 game modes: untimed, normal and hard, you can change your game mode at any time.
- You can upgrade your tent to hire more workers.
- Lvl. 1 farm can produce 1 food every turn.
- Lvl. 1 sawmill can produce 1 wood every turn.
- Lvl. 1 gold mine can produce 1 gold every turn.
- Lvl. 1 quarry can produce 1 stone every turn.
- You can exchange your needed resources in the market.
- Lvl. 2 farm can produce 2 food every turn.
- Lvl. 2 sawmill can produce 2 wood every turn.
- Lvl. 2 gold mine can produce 2 gold every turn.
- Lvl. 2 quarry can produce 2 stone every turn.
- Lvl. 3 farm can produce 3 food every turn.
- Lvl. 3 sawmill can produce 3 wood every turn.
- Lvl. 3 gold mine can produce 3 gold every turn.
- Lvl. 3 quarry can produce 3 stone every turn.
- Move faster bonus can make your workers move 2x faster.
- Accumulate bonus can make your workers gather +1 resources.
- Repair bonus can make your workers build more faster.
Detailed Levels:
Level 1: Your task is clear the blockage, repair the bridge and collect the papyrus, this is the first level, just follow the tutorial to finish this level, it is very simple.
Level 2: Your task is break the boulder and collect the papyrus. First collect foods from the bush and clear the road, then build a farm to produce food. Build sawmill, gold mine and quarry to collect woods, golds and stones. Break up the boulder and get the papyrus.
Level 3: Your task is toggle the lever and collect the 2 papyrus. First clear the road and unlock the bush, then build the sawmill, build a farm, clear the road, repair the bridge and toggle the lever, repair the other bridge and build the gold mine, then collect the papyruses.
Level 4: Your task is break 1 boulder and collect the 2 papyruses. Collect foods from the bush and clear the road, then build the sawmill and upgrade your tent, then clear the road, build the gold mine. Break up the boulder and repair the bridge, then collect the papyruses.
Level 5: Your task is build a lvl. 1 sawmill, break the boulder and collect the papyrus. Clear the road to unlock the bush then clear the road and build the farm, build the quarry, collect resources and clear other roads, break the boulder and build the sawmill, clear the road and toggle the lever and break the boulder, collect the papyrus.
Level 6: Your task is repair the bridge and collect the 3 papyruses. clear the road and unlock the bush, then exchange stones in the market and fill the holes and unlock other bushes, repair the bridge,
Level 7: Your task is repair the bridge and collect the 3 papyruses. Clear the road and build another farm, upgrade the tent to hire more worker, then clear the road lending to market, exchange stones with foods in market and fill the holes, collect woods from the sawmill and exchange golds in another market, then repair the stone bridge, upgrade your farms to produce more foods.
Level 8: Your task is defeat the 3 minotaurs and collect the 3 papyruses. Unlock the bush and build the sawmill, then fight against the minotaurs and upgrade the farm, clear the road and unlock other bush, repair the bridge and break the boulder, then repair another bridge and fight against other minotaurs, collect the papyruses.
Level 9: Your task is defeat the 5 minotaurs and defeat the 1 cyclop and collect the papyrus. Collect the resources and clear the road, unlock the gold mine, 2 bushes, then repair the wood bridge and fight against the minotaur, and toggle the level, clear the road, unlock the farm and toggle another lever, fight against the cyclop.
Level 10: Your task is defeat the cyclop and set free medea. Unlock the bush and collect foods, then upgrade your tent, and clear the road leading to the farm, exchange golds in the market with food, clear the road and unlock the warrior. unlock the sawmill and quarry, collect resources and clear the road, you should upgrade your buildings so than they can give you more resources every turn.
Some Special Levels:
Level 17: Notice, you should not to upgrade your tent to hire more workers before you repair all 3 bridges, otherwise, there are not enough woods to repair the bridge.
Level 23: In this level, you should first repair the bridge leading to the lever, then toggle the level, you can go to the sawmill to get more woods. See below screenshots:
Level 33: There are 7 torches, you need to light them all up. see below screenshots
Level 42: In this level, do not upgrade your buildings before you toggle the 2 lever, you should first repair the bridges and toggle the lever. See below screenshots:
Level 56: do not upgrade any buildings, you should first repair the wooden bridge, then toggle the lever, then upgrade your farm. see blew screenshots:
Level 60: See below screenshots for detailed instructions.
Congratulations, you have finished the Argonauts Agency: Golden Fleece.
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