12 Labours of Hercules VIII: How I Met Megara Walkthrough

- 12 Labours of Hercules VIII: How I Met Megara Collector's Edition Free Download
- 12 Labours of Hercules VIII: How I Met Megara Puzzle Pieces
General Tips:
- This game has 3 game mode, you can select Relaxed mode, Casual mode and Expert mode.
- There are 3 resources in this game: foods, woods and golds.
- There are one puzzle pieces in every level, you should try your best to collect it so than you can play the puzzle level.
- There are many archievements in the game, you can see them in the map, finish the levels in required to get the archievements.
- You can turn off the tutotial messages in Setting. (press pause then look for the wrench icon)
- When you complete a level in Gold Time, you reveal a small secret of The Great Pyramid!
- You need food to clear the path, sometimes you can get some extra resources.
- The small 1 farm can yield 1 food every turn, be sure to collect it.
- Upgrade you small farm to medium farm, it will give you 2 foods every turn.
- You can get 1 food from the fruit tree every time.
- You can get some woods from the crates.
- The small1 workshop can yield 1 wood every turn.
- Upgrade your small workshop to medium workshop, then it will yield 2 woods every turn.
- The small1 gold mine can give 1 gold every turn.
- Upgrade your small gold mine to medium gold mine, then it will yield 2 golds every turn.
- Chop the dead tree can give 2 woods every time.
- Small crystal can give you 2 golds.
- Medium crystal can give you 5 golds.
- Big crystal can give you 10 golds.
- Upgrade your home from small to medium will hire more workers.
Bonus Introduction:
- There are some bonus powers in the level, collect them to increase bonus energy quickly.
- Use the "Run Faster" bonus to increase workers' speed temporarily.
- The "More Resources" bonus temporarily increases each collected (and brought home) resource by 1.
- Use the "Extra Worker" bonus to get an extra worker for a limited time.
- Use the "Build Faster" bonus to speeds up all kinds of time-consuming work.
Detailed Levels:
Episode 1. Voyage:
Level 1.1: Your task is kick 2 barrels and use the switch. This is the first level, just follow the tutorial to collect food from the farm and clear the road, then press the red button, kick the 2 barrels.
Level 1.2: Your task is send note to Megara. Collect foods from the fruit tree and get woods from the sawmill, then clear the road and repair the pit, click the mailbox to send a note.
Level 1.3: Your task is bring 4 sheeps to home and send a note to Megara. First collect foods from the farm and clear the road, then collect woods from the sawmill and build another farm, then clear the road and bring all sheeps to the home and repair the pit, click the mailbox.
Level 1.4: Your task is build Hermes' Obelisk and send note to Megara. Collect foods from the fruit tree, then build the workshop to get woods, clear the road and get golds, get foods from another fruit tree, then build the Obelisk and send a note.
Level 1.5: Your task is build medium workshop and send note to megara. Collect foods from the fruit tree and upgrade the workshop, clear the road and collect other resources, then repair the bridge and you can get more foods from another tree, get more woods from another workshop, clear the road and repair another bridge and send a note.
Level 1.6: Your task is collect 90 foods and send a note to Megara. Collect foods from the 2 fruit tree and clear the road, do not forget to use the "Run Faster" bonus, open the cage to release another worker and clear other blocks, get more foods from all of the 5 fruit trees, then send the note.
Level 1.7: Your task is collect 75 foods, use the switch and send note to Megara. Collect foods from the fruit tree and collect golds from the gold mine, then build the workshop and clear the road, chop the dead trees and upgrade the workshop, clear the road leading to the red button and press the button, break up the big rock, then send the note and collect enough foods.
Level 1.8: Your task is send a note to Megara. Collect foods from the fruit tree, then build the workshop and clear the roads, and upgrade those 2 farms to get more foods, clear the road leading to the red button, press the button go to the secret place to collect more resources. clear the road to the mailbox and send the note.
Level 1.9: Your task is send note to Megara. First build the workshop to get woods, then clear the road to the farm, build and upgrade those 2 farms to get foods, then clear the road and push the button to go into the secret place, clear the road and get enough golds to break up the big crystal and send the note.
Level 1.10: Your task is build outpost and send note to Megara. Collect foods from the fruit tree, then repair the bridge and build the workshop and farm, collect resources and clear the road, unblock the gold mine, get golds, build another farm and upgrade all of your buildings, build the output and unblock other roads, then send the note.
Some Very Hard Levels:
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