Argonauts Agency: Pandora's Box Free Download

Argonauts Agency: Pandora's Box Free Download:
The morning at the Argonauts agency began as usual - quiet and steady. Jason and Medea were counting up their takings for the week, when suddenly... The door opened with a crash, and a man bandaged up like an egyptian mummy came in head over heels, his crutches flying. A mimiature stormcloud hung over the uninvited guest's head, releasing a downpour.
The surprise visitor turned out to be the artiface collector Pelias, a man not unknown in the town, and an honorary uncle of Medea. After struggling to his feet, Pelias begged for help and literally dragged teh friends to his mansion.
On the way to the mansion, Pelias said that while digging around in his storeroom, he happened to drop a box, and then he started having serious trouble. Jason and Medea could see how much trouble once they arrived. A snowstorm raged on one side of the mansion, and a thunderstorm on the other. Part of the mansion had been destroyed by a medeor shower.
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