RugTales Collector's Edition Free Download

RugTales Collector's Edition Free Download:
It was a nice and quite day in carpet village, the place where the rugmen live - the tiny people living in our rugs and hiding from the giant humans. Woolly Yarrows - the bravest rugman in town, is deeply in love with the pretty bearberry. Today he wants to invite her on a ride with rocco, the house mouse, he is determined to finally tell her about his feelings, everything goes according to plan until...
Oh no! A massive whirlwind! It is wiping away the whole village, everyone is swirling around, being thrown to the edge of the village, only bearberry manages to grab one of the straws, hoping to survive, a good idea?!
"Curlytop! We must save bearberry! This whirlwind took her to the dangerous big green!"
"Guys, calm down, our village is destroyed! We cannot leave our people in this chaos, let's clean it up and stock up our supplies first, then we'll look for her, the big green is quite far away, it won't be easy..."
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