The Seven Chambers Free Download

The Seven Chambers Free Download:
The object you see is a model of the Cosmos. It's owned by King George the 2nd and he rules on empire. During his reign, in a past life, you were a Scottish Highlander. In that time in 1746 the King sent an army to Culloden to defeat the Highlander's Army and seize the Magnum Opus - an ancient book of power. But the book is found by another.
In modern times your path of destiny reaches a treacherous turn. You'll need to go back to that past life and find the book of power. The book's magic will open a portal into The Seven Chambers. For you're in a coma, to come out you must journey through all the chambers until you reach the chamber of the sun.
Planets, lost souls, fallen angels and the King's Astrologer will try to stop you. But the Alchemists will help you find the power to re-write the stars and change your destiny. Let the apprenticeship of The Seven Chambers begin.
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