Hermes Rescue Mission Free Download

Hermes Rescue Mission Free Download:
It was many cenuries ago when Zeus created humans. They believed in the gods and brought them gifts maintaining the power and immortality of entire Olypus. But after some time people started to forget about the help of Olypus and gradually lost their faith.
Every day, the gods were losing their influence and powers. And the abode of the gods was falling into decay. And this was favorable for Hades, the master of darkness and suffering. Many years he survived at the expense of people's fears. And he finally decided to take possession of all human souls.
The gods decided to stop Hades and send a messenger to the earth. He must help restore people's faith in the gods and save the world from Hades. The Council of gods chose a reliable messenger I Hermes the demigod. Who else can perform this task better? No one could surpass Hermes in dexterity and cunning. His winged sandals could instantly transport him to any place on earth.
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