Hidden Expedition: Neptune's Gift Collector's Edition

Hidden Expedition: Neptune's Gift Collector's Edition:
Hello, Miss Walters! It's me, Alvaro! Glad you could make it! Another expert in the field certainly can't hurt. I'm looking forward to working with you. Our recent scans revealed some potential discoveries under the volcanic material here, but we've only managed to extract a small amount of artifacts. Vesuvius won't let us.
You must be Miss Walters! Hi! I'm Valerio Blasi, Mr. De Lucca's field assistant. I was prepping a cover - just in case. I'm sure he's already filled you in. Now, I'm just an amateur, but as I see it, we've uncovered some huge secrets long kept by Pompeii. Anyway, I'll let you get what you need from your mobile lab there. Meanwhile, I'll help Mr. De Lucca get everything ready.
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