Day D: Through Time Collector's Edition Free Download

Day D: Through Time Collector's Edition Free Download:
This joyful person is Brian Sunshine, my master. Today we're celebrating because Brian finally completed his time machine. We'll probably keep celebrating for a week, that's for sure. I'm happy for him. Brian is a good guy and could have done all this long ago. He just has one character flaw: laziness. And narcissism. And overconfidence. And a lock of responsibility... Fine, he may have more than one. Buy you know, I could've been Doctor Awful's robt, too, Brian's old friend. He's a real freak. But let's not focus on the negative.
That's a bad sign. My master is activating his time machine and setting it for the Jurassic period. He says it'll be a blast! Try and talk him out of it! Oh no, it's toolate! Brian is already powering on the computer!
Why does this always happen to me! Why does my master have to be so incorrigible! I must bring Brian back to our own time before he does something he can't undo!
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