Wanderlust: Shadow of the Monolith Collector's Edition Free Download

Wanderlust: Shadow of the Monolith Collector's Edition Free Download:
Spread out and search the jungle! The mechanism must be here somewhere! Ready your weapons! Watch out for the hooded guardian! I see some ruins over there! That could be it! We found it! We found the mechanism! Over here! Ahhh! What's going on?! We've been attacked! Argh! Hu must be in the treetops! Look everywhere! There...
I'm the only one who managed to escape. That hooded figure was guarding it! The expedition is all gone, Mr. Franklin. But it was worth ti, John! Contact the people on this list. They can help translate it. I've plan for them, so if they don't cooperate, bring them - by force if necessary!
This game has a free trial version, click to start Wanderlust: Shadow of the Monolith Collector's Edition Free Download. If you like it, please buy the full version to support the developer, thanks.
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