Alicia Quatermain 4: Da Vinci and the Time Machine Collector's Edition Free Download

Alicia Quatermain 4: Da Vinci and the Time Machine Collector's Edition Free Download:
Expeditions, adventures, treasure and mysteries of long-vanished civilizations... All this is out of the ordinary for regular people, but for me it's a just my daily routine. Still, sometimes I wish I lived as a simple life, lazing around on my couch and surfing TV shows. Who am I? My name is Alicia Quatermain and I'm a professional adventurer.
I don't look for adventures. They find me. And it happened again just now... While I was watching my favorite sitcom, the show was interrupted with the breaking news that someone had broken into Louvre and Stolen the famous painting of the "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci!
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