Hiddenverse: Ominous Opus Free Download

Hiddenverse: Ominous Opus Free Download:
Excuse me, young man could you possibly be Grayson Scalpwell? I certainly am, and you must be miss Courtwald, am I right? That's right, but I prefer to be called Avenlee, it is a pleasure to meet you, Grayson. The pleasure is all mine, miss.. Avenlee. As you know, I was sent here by mister Salnt Riser to greet you and help you find him.
I See, wait, what do you mean by saying you would help me find him? Shouldn't you know where he is? Has he gone missing? A few days ago, after Emet had sent a letter to you, he gave me a mysterious box. He instruced me to wait for your arrival and deliver this box to you, he said that it will help you find him. The day after, he just vanished, I've been searching for him everywhere in the city, to no success.
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