Hiddenverse: Fate of Ariadna Free Download

Hiddenverse: Fate of Ariadna Free Download:
Have you ever lifted your head up to the sky, questioning whether you are alone in the universe? How many worlds ware still waiting to be discovered? Billions to say the least, and they areall connected between each other.
But you do know that already, don't you? After all you are a regulator yourself, I am Seuss, your guide, and now it is time for us to finally wake up. We are at the Council meeting hall. There was no sign of Mortimer or Nullifier here, and I couldn't even find Brendy's body.
Holly Guacamole! It is the first time I am late for a meeting, and everything went completely of the rails! Regulators? I, the Grand-Master-Regulator Gustavo Echo demand explanations here at once!
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