Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe's The Gold Bug Walkthrough 15

dark tales: edgar allan poe's the gold bug walkthrough 15
Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe's The Gold Bug Walkthrough 15
* OS: Windows 7 / Vista / XP
* CPU: Pentium 3 1.0 GHz or Higher
dark tales: edgar allan poe's the gold bug walkthrough 15
Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe's The Gold Bug Walkthrough 15
* OS: Windows 7 / Vista / XP
* CPU: Pentium 3 1.0 GHz or Higher

* examine the cabinel and place the INSTRUCTIONS on the left and the ELEPHANT in slot; drag the elephant heads to match the instructions (y).

* Open the cabinet and take the NOTE (Z).

* After the cutscene tap the alarm clock: take the BELL (A).

* Back out and enter the hotel.

* examine the front desk; place the BELL on the bell bottom and drag the bell button on the top (B).

* Ring the bell.

* Give the NOTE to the coneierge (C).

* GO forward up the stairs.

* Take the VEIL (D).

* examine the table at the end of the hall to access a HOS (E).

zoomed screenshot
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