Neopolis: Stolen Memory Walkthrough

neopolis: stolen memory walkthrough
Neopolis: Stolen Memory Walkthrough
* OS: Windows 7 / Vista / XP
* CPU: Pentium 3 1.0 GHz or Higher
neopolis: stolen memory walkthrough
Neopolis: Stolen Memory Walkthrough
* OS: Windows 7 / Vista / XP
* CPU: Pentium 3 1.0 GHz or Higher

This is your pocket computer. The game automatically records important events and information in it. Click on it. Toclose your pocket computer, click on its icon in the lower left corner of the game or on the "X".

When the cursor changes into a magnifying glass, you can take a closer look at the area over which the cursor is hovering. Click on the handbag.

When the cursor changes to a hand, you can pick up the object over which it is hovering. Click on the rolled-up canvas to pick it up.

zoomed screenshot
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