Suburban Mysteries: The Labyrinth of the Past

suburban mysteries: the labyrinth of the past
Suburban Mysteries: The Labyrinth of the Past
* OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7
* CPU: 1.6 GHz
suburban mysteries: the labyrinth of the past
Suburban Mysteries: The Labyrinth of the Past
* OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7
* CPU: 1.6 GHz

Suburban Mysteries: The Labyrinth of the Past Screenshots, Videos:

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Follow the kidnapper's clues, and bring Sarah's brother back to safety in Suburban Mysteries: The Labyrinth of the Past!

When arriving at her aunt's house, Sarah discovers a strange and disturbing letter.

After discerning that her brother's life is in danger, she must embark on a journey taking her back through her own past if she is to see her brother again.

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