Surface: The Soaring City Walkthrough 10

surface: the soaring city walkthrough 10
Surface: The Soaring City Walkthrough 10
* OS: Windows 7 / Vista / XP
* CPU: Pentium 3 1.0 GHz or Higher
surface: the soaring city walkthrough 10
Surface: The Soaring City Walkthrough 10
* OS: Windows 7 / Vista / XP
* CPU: Pentium 3 1.0 GHz or Higher

- Take the LENS from your inventory, put it into the monkey's glasses and take the glasses (K).

- Take the PISTON PUMP from your inventory, use it to inflate the ball, and take the ball (L).

- You will receive the COIN.

- Walk down.

- Zoom into the ice machine and put down the PIPE (M); insert the COIN into the slot (N).

- Put the HANDKERCHIEF below the ice and take the ICE (O).

- Zoom into the man and place the ICE on his head (P); give the HELMET to him.

- Zoom into the man; take the WIND-UP KEY (Q).

- You will receive the RADIO.

- Move forward.

- Zoom into the partition; put the WIND-UP KEY into the lock (R).

- Play the mini-game.

- To solve this puzzle (S), drag the puzzle pieces along the strings to recreate the correct figure.

- Take the LIGHTER (T), the TOP OF THE HAMMER (U), and the GAS CYLINDER (V).

zoomed screenshot
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