Secrets of the Seas: Flying Dutchman Collector's Edition Review
Rating: 4.0/5 

Pros: many unique mini-games and puzzles, beautifully graphics, excellent voice acting
Cons: feel strange for some items used to unlock the mechanics, on screen text is all capitalized
Secrets of the Seas: Flying Dutchman begins from you meet the captain Flying Dutchman when you survived from a wrech and come to a old island. The flying dutchman moors once in seven years to gather fresh souls in his crew, he wanders around the taverns, offfering sailors a chance to play dice with him. The captain promises mountains of gold to the winner, but those who lose are doomed to eternal service in his crew.
Secrets of the Seas: Flying Dutchman has many unique mini-games or puzzles, my personal favorite is a puzzle that you need to move the thumbtack which linked with other thumbtacks, make sure you can not cross the lines between two thumbtacks, this is a challenge for me. The game has strong voice acting for every characters, this is definitely add some score for this hidden object adventure. Secrets of the Seas also win my praise for its immersed graphics.

There are also several flaws in the game, such as how to use collected items. Sometimes you may find it is so strange that you have no clue to unlock a box, a door or some mechanics, just because you never think you should put your jecket uner your feet and walk on by. Another, i feel very difficult to read dialog, story hint because all capitalized text.

Big fish games release this game as a collector's edition now, extras bonus content in the Collector's Edition includes Music, Concept Art, Wallpapers, Screensaver and Bonus Gameplay. These items may be accessed after completing the main game.
Overall, in spite of several flaws that let you feel frastrated, the Secrets of the Seas: Flying Dutchman is a good hidden object game you shouldn't miss, i give it a 4/5 score. If you have enough spare time, just download it and start to play.
Read more: Collectors edition Pirate mystery Secrets of the Seas Hidden Object Game bd studio games